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Emozioni Plus - Sensitive intolerant skin

Relax the emotions of your skin

The skin is the primary sensitive organ most exposed to environmental factors and can sometimes show physical signs of psychological stress. Because of the rapid evolution of life and of industrialization, sensitive, intolerant, fragile, with visible redness and broken capillaries, is becoming more widespread. Frequent phenomenon: affects 80% of the European population.

The most common factors causing skin sensivity and discomfort can basically be grouped into three categories: Hereditary, Environment, Hormone, and Emotion.

Our mind and skin being closely related, the skin reflects what we “feel” and can be negatively or positively influenced; stress has been recognized to significantly increase the regulation of cortisol levels, leading to significant effects on homeostasis, hydration, inflammation and the general maintenance of the good condition of the skin. This is how Emozioni Plus was born; a product line, entirely designed for all types of sensitive skins, that intervenes with innovative strategies on the manifestations of imperfections due to the mind/skin connection. “Relax the emotions of your skin”.


  • Blueberry
    Organic blueberry extract, rich in anthocyanins, which acts on the wall of blood vessels, improving its resistance, permeability and elasticity. Antioxidant action.
  • Matricial Chamomile
    Rich in flavonoids for anti-inflammatory action and anti-oxidant action, responsible for its marked soothing properties.
  • Pomegranata
    Native to the area between Persia and northern India, has been cultivated throughout the Mediterranean since ancient times. Its extract is an effective source of tannins and enzymes, with exfoliating action.
  • Epilobium angustifolium
    Anti-inflammatory similar to cortisone: cosmeceutical product, Redness and hitching reduction, Increasing of the threshold of sensitivity, Anti-oxidant effect.
  • Micro Powder – Green Focus
    Suitable for anti-stress treatments, prevent skin relaxation and improve on skin compactness.